Economic Development

Lifting Burdens and Empowering Communities.


Rural and Urban Initiatives

How do we get more opportunities for Self-Reliance in Rural America? This primarily comes from families staying together. It also stems from Economic Resilience which contributes to Rural Infrastructure.

“Over the next 5 years, the most significant labor force needs are likely to be software application developers, computer and information system managers, application developers, computer user support specialists, and systems software developers.” – Business in Utah

Our goal is in alignment with initiatives similar to the Utah Center for Rural Development, as we aim to provide programs and employment opportunities to rural Utah.

Getting Started

We’re excited to work with you and your team! Here are our 3 simple steps we follow to get your project up and running. Click below to set up a discovery call.


Let's set up a quick call to learn more about your project and see how we can help meet your needs.


In the deep dive we dig deeper with you and your team to identify the features and functions you'd like for your solution. This helps us know what you need and when you need it.


If after meeting we both feel like this is a good fit, we'll put together a proposal showing you how we plan to accomplish the goals we outlined in our previous meetings.

1M +

Tech jobs go unfilled every year


Employment retention for apprenticeship completion


Projected growth for software development employment

Real World Experience

Some of our partners

“I think when we talk about rural Utah and diversifying our economies, this program has really caused excitement for the business community as a whole, on what we can do and how we can Grow.”
– Travis Campbell, Director, Uintah County Economic Development
“As we have grown as a company, one of the biggest challenges that we’ve faced is dealing with software. The more we grow, the more our software needs grow and become more complex. So we were stuck, until we came across DevPipeline.”
– Johnny Hacking, Director of Information Technology, BHI

Contact us today for more information about our involvement with Rural Communities!
