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Economic Development

Lifting Burdens and Empowering Communities

a plant growing out of a pile of coins

Rural And Urban Initiatives

How do we get more opportunities for Self-Reliance in Rural America? This primarily comes from families staying together. It also stems from Economic Resilience, which contributes to Rural Infrastructure.

"Over the next 5 years, the most significant labor force needs are likely to be software application developers, computer and information system managers, application developers, computer user support specialists, and systems software developers." - Business in Utah

Our goal is in alignment with initiatives similar to the Utah Center for Rural Development, as we aim to provide programs and employment opportunities to rural Utah.

Learn More
Tech jobs go unfilled every year
Projected growth for software development employment
Employment retention for apprenticeship completion

DevPipeline Case Studies

Explore our case studies to witness how DevPipeline has catalyzed growth for businesses and employees alike. We are dedicated to solving the problems that will propel your business to the next level.

intellipay case study
snow collage case study
employer partner case study

Letters of Recommendation

Discover how DevPipeline's groundbreaking apprenticeship to employment program is transforming lives and driving economic diversification in rural communities like Vernal City.

innovation hub letter of recommendation
vernal city letter of recommendation

Let's Talk

Transform your community's future. If you'd like to see DevPipeline come to your community, connect with us now on our contact page. Let's start lifting burdens and empowering change together.

Contact Us